
Friday, July 20, 2012

The Goose and the Dander

When I was little, my sister took to calling me, her brother Alexander, "Dander." This is a short tale of Dander's visit to see the ganders.

Nature is not everywhere in Changchun. You have to take the #13 bus and then a taxi to get to Goose Island, but I went with my Chinese teacher and a beautiful girl, who took the photos of the geese, the dove, and the rainbow-bedecked fountain spray below.

This dove will be eaten before too long.

I took a couple photographs myself. This is my Chinese teacher eating goose, mushroom soup, and a variety of mushrooms sizzling above a Sterno. The goose liver plate is out of sight. He is sitting on a swinging chair. We drank copious amounts of bai jiu, as well.

As we walked about the premises, I peered over the wall and across a corn field at the new government building for Changchun.

This is a lamb and the grills on which they are roasted.

There was a petting zoo of dogs and a couple rams and ewes. This husky had beautiful eyes, don't you think? Especially for being locked in a cage!

This is my Chinese teacher crawling across the little pond on a rope bridge.

He forbid me from using the zip-line, but I don't take such advice sitting down and did exactly what this man is doing and zipped across the small pond.

The weather was perfect and here I atop an elephant at the gate.

Unfortunately, I am sick from some food that I may have eaten there. I have been taking Imodium and hoping that life will return to normal. I have had two IV drips and must take Chinese herbal medicine for at least a month!

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